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Santa Claus has to visit a lot of houses in very little time. When the reindeers are on break (Rudolph really likes his "egg nog", Santa sometimes needs to do a little traveling on his own. In a city ...
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Santa Claus has to visit a lot of houses in very little time. When the reindeers are on break (Rudolph really likes his "egg nog", Santa sometimes needs to do a little traveling on his own. In a city ...

This guys has been doing free running, parkour and tricking for more than 6 years. This video has some simple but very cool and flowing movements. Enjoy! ...

Kudos to Chris P. for sending in pics that make lazy parkour look even lazier. (Did you guys even leave the room?) Join the game & keep the pics coming. Here's how to play. Previously, The Laz ...

Our new pal Peter Svejgaard sent in these great pics of him and his friends doing the best kind of parkour -the lazy kind- yesterday in Odense, Denmark. Check out their album for more. BTW, You can p ...

Not surprisingly, parkour is even more awesome when performed on rollerblades. Especially when the performer is incredible stuntman Mathieu Ledoux. Inspired? Start here. Or here. ...

New Zealand energy drink V creates a new imaginary sport coined Pomparkour to promote their product. Not a bad idea. The addition of ladders ups parkour to all new heights (no pun intended). Previous ...

We've seen lots of amazing parkour stunts on WonderHowTo. And you'll see in the video below that gymnastics/parkour/freerunning stuntman Damien Walters is probably one of the best in his field. But n ...

We've seen lots of great parkour in the past - we learned how to front flip, we watched David Belle outrun bullets and bad guys, our jaws dropped at Cyril Rafaelli's amazing skills. Here we are, wowe ...

Considered one of the best stuntmen of the 20th century, Cyril Raffaelli has been in many films, including Luc Besson's The Transporter and John Frankenheimer's Ronin. Rafaelli's skills are built on ...

The human flag is one of the hardest tricks in all of gymnastics, parkour, freerunning and general playground acrobatics. Key to parkour is its underground cache. Born by rebels, it's an exhibition of ...